K280 Desnervado
K280 Desnervado
Placa final desnervado 4,5 mm K280 espesor 22 mm
(separating hole plate central holes of 4.5 mm; middle bore 74 mm, 22 mm thick; K280) -
Placa final desnervado 5 mm K280 espesor 22 mm
(separating hole plate central holes of 5.0 mm; middle bore 74 mm 22 mm thick; K280) -
Placa final desnervado 6 mm K280 espesor 22 mm
(separating hole plate central holes of 6.0 mm; middle bore 74 mm 22 mm thick; K280) -
Placa final desnervado 7,8 mm K280 espesor 22 mm
(separating hole plate central holes of 7.8 mm; middle bore 74 mm 22 mm thick; K280) -
Placa de corte desnervador 6/6 colgantes K280
(separating ring knife central 6/6 hangin blades; pulling; without discharge worm one-sided collar;K280) -
Soporte estrella 3 ojos K280 espesor 50mm
(support star 3 holes; 50mm thick with thread; material: INOX; K280/CFS280) -